Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Episode 2: Some seriously prodigious shit is going down at the local Circle K, my friend.

First, let me apologize for the long wait. I let myself down. I let the 4 people that read my first entry down. I let my country down. I let mankind down. For this, I apologize. Now! On to bigger and better things. I have finally decided on a story to tell. It is going to be a day by day account of a Mr. Steve Flowers. For those of you that recognize the name, you'll know that it is the alter ego that Jim Marvin (my step father) used when he was growing up. I have also used this name from time to time.

So, I plan to write the Adventures of Steve Flowers. Each chapter will be a day. It will be time entries. Steve Flowers is actually just a regular schmo that has a serious case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It's basically going to be this OCD journal that Steve carries around and jots notes in throughout the day. Most of the entries will be a couple of lines or less. Possibly even one word. I think it's going to be a very challenging medium and I will do my best to make it entertaining.

I will post them online somewhere as I finish them. Hopefully, you'll tell me if you love them or hate them.

In other news, I hope you all watched the final debate tonight. McCain seriously looked like he was in pain. I think he's having trouble keeping his head in the game. He had moments where he looked like he was comfortable, but he hasn't had a full public showing in this election where he looked completely at ease. I'm pretty sure that being President is a full-time job. There has to be some statesmanship. I'm not saying that Obama is the most qualified guy for the job, but McCain isn't even qualified.

If you take a job at McDonald's, after a few weeks, you should be comfortable with your job. McCain has been in politics for decades. Either he hasn't gotten good at his profession yet, or he's past his prime. We scrutinize sports stars in this manner. We scrutinize actors in this manner. Why shouldn't we scrutinize politicians in this manner? In the NFL, they have a "Combine" practice so that NFL scouts can help make draft decisions. We should have a political Combine practice. All televised.

All the different parties could have "teams." So each team scouts out prospective politicians and America watches it. Like a crazy reality TV show. They compete in debate, speech, shoulder rubbing, brown nosing, dignitary entertaining, chess, economics, law, and history. Then we have the best people competing for the job. Have it regulated, like football, except the regulation committee is elected in a popular vote. I'd call it, the National Politics Lead. They could compete for the Bold Statement Award. Eventually the B.S. Award would be as prestigious as a Super Bowl victory, or a Bass Federation National Championship. Then, when it's done, the election is where America decides!

The Primaries are like the regular season. You have a playoff between the parties. Finally you have the office of the election go to the winner of a final two head to head election. It would be this huge reality TV sensation. It would save tax payers money because the revenue generated by the show would pay for the election. Political Parties (teams) wouldn't have to take huge donations from wealthy donors and special interest groups because they could sell paraphernalia: T-shirts, hats, and tons of other merchandise, all with the party logo!

I read somewhere that the recall of Governor Gray Davis cost $70m. That's $70m that could have been saved by the tax-payers. There might even be some money going back to the coffers! I know, I know, it's way out there. It's just so crazy, it just might work!


Unknown said...

Yeah.. I didn't even really dislike Gray Davis that much.. but I still voted Yes on his impeachment and a mark for the terminator just to say that I did. I apologize, world.

Chip said...

Those ideas are worth some money ... you just gave away another $Mil that could have gone toward your coffers. On another note: McCain looks like he's in pain because Obama's good at twisting his arm ... and in politics, it's all titty-twisting anyway. Get used to it. Bush Baby's been twisting our titties for 8 years now. And only now people are begining to see just how dumb he is. I don't know what it is with people and retrospect ... I saw this coming 8 or so years ago. It's the same old recaction that comes along if you study history. The same approximate 30-year marker that marks Dem-Repub shift in power. People get tired of the same old thing (despite disliking change in general), and then want something different. Mind you, not the same "change" that's quoted every 4 years (except the incumbent motley fool who just wants a steady, stable job in today's economy).

As far as Gray Davis & Georgie-Porgie Bush-Baby go ... I guess we should appreciate Bush Baby in retrospect, now, if this oxymoron is possible. He's provided a great deal of entertainment, such as "Bushisms" - that chimpanzee looking motherfucker has said some pretty stupid shit that's going down in the comedy history books, like Clinton is going down in history as being half black. I hate Bush personally, but I guess I hate all professional politicians personally. On an impersonal level, I'd like to be his friend to get a good job and push him around like Dick Cheney has done for the last couple of years. That's the thing that will be joked about for the most part in 10 years ... Bush Baby had to run every decision past his father's crony first ... not only because he was inept, but because now he knows he was just a puppet on strings.

Sorry for the political banter ... but in politics, if you're not a liar, you're a nobody. And if you can wink and tell a lie at the same time, you're not a forked-tongue, two-faced titty-twister, but someone with a straight face who can be trusted. Know what I mean?

Chip said...

Oh yeah ... and ... McCain is like 70 years old ... why wouldn't he be in pain ... he's near that age people die. Hell, let's elect him so he can die and we can impeach Palin ... we should really be looking at who's next in line after Palin ... because she won't last when McCain dies.

Chip said...

Dude ... I thought your nickname was Pedro ... or Pancho Villa ... or something like that ...

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of the NPL it is totally awesome. But would we have it for new guys coming in trying to be a senator also? Or is it just presidents? Also the 40 yard dash should be included just becuase I would vote for a guy who could run a 4.3 just so i know he could shut down T.O. also it would be funny to see McCain run it.

Sean said...

The whole political system is flawed in the respect that it does not take into account the large number of the inept and ignorant.

And I have not heard from Steve Flowers in ages...Guitar Center if I remember correctly.